Food & Drink

Camping Breakfast: Eggs in Paradise

Posted by
Dina Cheney
August 15, 2024

Eggs Poached

On cool mornings, a warming breakfast is in order. Maybe a thick layer of fog has settled on the trails or maybe you trekked hard the day before and need a major meal to get you going again. Whatever it is, eggs are the key.

For a pick-me-up camping breakfast that exemplifies coziness and delivers tons of flavor, try simmering eggs in tomato sauce. Almost as successful as the classic PB & J combo, tomato sauce and eggs is truly a match made in heaven. Popular in Italian and Middle Eastern cuisines, this dish is high on impact and low on effort—especially if you begin with a top-notch bottled sauce.

Since marinara is the star here, opt for a quality brand. If you prefer heat, go for an arrabbiata (spicy) Italian tomato sauce instead. When it comes to the bread, any loaf will do: sourdough to ciabatta to classic Italian. Don’t skip the fresh parsley, since it adds color and freshness. Plus, it’s a chef-y touch that’ll impress your crowd.

Eggs in Paradise
Afraid that camping breakfasts are cold and terrible? Try our Eggs in Paradise recipe! (Photo/Dina Cheney)

Eggs in Paradise

Makes 2 portions

*1 TBSP extra virgin olive oil
*2 thick slices bread, such as sourdough
*1-1/4 cups jarred marinara sauce
*6 large eggs
*Small bunch fresh Italian flat-leaf parsley, leaves chopped (about 2 TBSP)

Eggs In Paradise Ingredients
The ingredients to Eggs in Paradise and simple and divine (Photo/Dina Cheney)
  • Heat the oil in a deep medium nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. When warm, add the bread slices, and toast until golden brown, about two minutes per side. Wrap in foil to keep warm and set aside.
Sourdough browning in pan
You can use any bread you have on hand but sourdough is our favorite (Photo/Dina Cheney)
  • To the hot pan, add the sauce and simmer for about 30 seconds. Crack the eggs into a small bowl or liquid measuring cup. Pour in the eggs one at a time, spacing them far apart. Simmer for about a minute, then cover (with a lid or piece of foil weighted down with a plate) and reduce the heat to medium. Simmer until the whites turn opaque and the yolks begin to solidify but remain molten in their centers, about five to eight minutes. (Carefully peek under the lid or foil to check their progress.)
  • Sprinkle with parsley and serve with the bread. To cut down on dish duty, eat straight from the skillet.
Eggs simmering for camping breakfast
Don’t forget to check on your eggs periodically to make sure they’re cooked just right (Photo/Dina Cheney)

Seen in: Camping, Food & Drink

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